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How to Use a Smudge Stick or White Sage to Clear Energy

Before we get to the Smudge Sticks, lets quickly cover Energy Clearing. What is it!? The simplest answer is that Energy Clearing is the act of Removing or Transmuting lower or negative, energy, to leave only positive, comfortable energy for you to enjoy. Basically emotions and energy stick to places. Most people have had the experience of entering a room after an argument has taken place. The room will generally feel heavy and uncomfortable. This is because the anger & distress from the argument has remained in the room even after the people have left. Over time, if there is enough anger & distress in a space- or stress, drama, sadness etc this energy will become stuck & remain there. On the flip side, this is also true of positive emotions- happiness & joy experienced in a space build up to produce homes that feel welcoming & good to be in!

An Easy Way to clear negative or unwanted energy from your space is by burning a Smudge Stick (White Sage) or Smudging. The first thing we should say is that Smudge Sticks wont remove positive energy! They remove & clear negative, lower energy only. This can be very obviously bad energy that makes your home feel uncomfortable to be in. It can also be used to simply remove the energy of past tenants or owners of the house you live in. Many people will Smudge a house they have just moved into so they are not living in someone else’s energy. Some people will Smudge their homes monthly or bi-monthly just to keep things feeling clear, cleansed & purified all the time.

Times To Smudge:

  • When you feel uncomfortable in your space, or feel the energy is unpleasant
  • When you are stressed, anxious, emotional, sleeping poorly
  • When moving into a new house
  • When you are struggling to relax
  • Whenever you feel it ‘is time’. This could be whenever there are major changes in your life, when things don’t seem to be flowing for you or when you get a nagging feeling that you should Smudge.
  • Smudging can also clears energy on people, objects & crystals. Move crystals through the smoke to purify & cleanse.

We are keeping this guide as straightforward & simple as possible. There are many beautiful rituals you can use when you are Smudging. I encourage you to trust your own intuition when it comes to rituals.

So here’s what you need to do:

(It is best if Smudging a House or Workplace to Smudge the whole space. This ensures the energy you are seeking to clear doesn’t just shift to a different room. If this isn’t possible just smudge the space you are able to with the intention that any negative energy is cleared from the entirety of the space.)

1. Ideally, Smudge when you are alone, you may want to let animals outside also. They make not like the herby smell of the smoke. Close all windows & doors that open to outside. Open all cupboards, drawers, wardrobes etc. If you feel you would like to, you can mentally or verbally ask for the assistance of your own Guides, Angels, Archangels, the Spirit of the White Sage itself or any other being you connect with, to assist you & protect you while clearing the energy of your space.

2. Light your Smudge Stick with a lighter or matches. Blow gently on the glowing embers to create smoke. You can also use Loose Leaf White Sage in a fireproof bowl. (The only difference between Loose Leaf White Sage & a Smudge Stick made from White Sage is the shape. A Smudge Stick is White Sage that has been tightly tied together so it can be held in the hand. Loose Leaf White Sage has not been tied & is burned in a fireproof bowl.)

3. Using your intuition, pick the room you would like to start in. Use your hand or a large feather to push the smoke around the room. Allow the smoke into cupboards, drawers, behind doorways  & throughout the room. The smoke burns a white/grey colour. If the smoke’s colour darkens in a particular place, allow the Smudge Stick to burn there a little longer- it is clearing energy. When the smoke returns to it’s regular colour continue around the room. When you have pushed the smoke throughout the room & you feel comfortable to do so, move onto the next room.

4. Repeat this process in all rooms & hallways in your space. The process can be an intuitive one. You may feel drawn to spend longer in some rooms than others. Some rooms may feel finished very quickly & others may need extra time. In general an averaged size home will probably take about 20 minutes but you may work faster or slower.

5. When you have Smudged all rooms & areas in your space you are finished! Extinguish your Smudge Stick in a fireproof bowl like you are butting a cigarette, you can also extinguish the Smudge Stick in dirt or sand. Feel free to now open windows & doors to air out the herby scent of the Smudge Stick. Enjoy your lovely cleansed space!!

Click Here to Browse Our Range of Smudge Sticks, Loose Leaf Sage & Smudge Bowls






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Crystals For Chakras

What is a Chakra?

The word Chakra is Sanskrit for ‘wheel’. Chakras are often described as energetic wheels or vortexes that spin at various points of the body. As the wheels spin they draw ‘Universal Life Force’ (you may know this as ‘Chi’ or ‘Prana’) into and through the body. Eastern spiritual traditions tell us that there are 7 major chakras located along the spine in the human body. Chakras can become blocked, effecting the flow of energy through the body and creating imbalance.

Chakras and Crystals

There are many ways to work with your own chakras to bring balance to your being. You can use guided meditation CDs (there are some really great ones on the market), sound, vocal toning, colour, aromatherapy and endless other techniques. We always stress that the right method is the method that is right for you.

Using crystals on the body can be an excellent way to work with and balance your chakra system. Methods certainly vary from person to person and using your own intuition can be important. You may like to collect a small crystal for each chakra and lay them directly on the body where the chakras are located while you lay down to meditate. (Always make sure your crystals are cleansed before beginning and after use) You may simply rest crystals on the chakras while reading a book or resting and letting the crystals do their work without any conscious direction from you. Wearing crystals in the form of jewellery is another option- just customise chain length to sit pendants directly on chakras all day long.

If you are aware of a particular chakra you would like to work with, for example the Third-Eye Chakra, you can even gently massage a crystal at this point (between your eyebrows) for a short space of time. If massaging crystals and minerals directly on the body always do your homework to check for any toxicity- some pieces are best not used in this manner, cinnabar would be one example. Copper based minerals like malachite too are best avoided in massage like this.

Which Crystals Should I Use and Where?

As the chakras are located along the spine you can choose to lay crystals either on the front or the back of your body (it’s fine to remain dressed). Lying down on your stomach or your back is equally effective and entirely up to you and what’s comfortable for you. Using your own intuition is fantastic, so if you feel that you want to use a single crystal on all the chakras that’s fine. If you are particularly drawn to a crystal that’s listed as being, say a Throat Chakra stone on a different chakra entirely, that’s ok too. The below list is a guide to crystals and minerals often used to assist with specific chakras.

Base/Root Chakra (Base of the Spine):
Associated with Issues of Survival- Food, Money, Shelter, Sleep, Grounding
Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Bloodstone, Smokey Quartz

Sacral Chakra (Pelvic Area): Associated with Passion, Physical Desires, Addiction
Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Moonstone, Shungite

Solar Plexus Chakra (Between Navel & Solar Plexus): Associated with Power, Willpower, Identity, Control, Self-Esteem
Citrine, Prehnite, Tiger Eye, Honey Calcite

Heart Chakra (Centre of Chest): Associated with Love, Compassion, Kindness, Caring for Others
Moss Agate, Aventurine, Rose Quartz

Throat Chakra (Throat Area): Associated with Communication, Expression, Speaking Own Truth
Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli

Third Eye Chakra (Between the Eyebrows): Associated with Clairvoyance, Inner Perception, Clear Thought
Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Chevron Amethyst, Blue Quartz

Crown Chakra (Crown of the Head): Associated with Divine Guidance, Pure Consciousness, Oneness
Amethyst, Selenite, Quartz, Peacock Ore

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Crystals By Colour – What Do They Do?

Each and every crystal and mineral is said to have their own unique healing properties. It can get overwhelming trying to decide which might be best for you. We’ve put together a general, easy to use list by crystal colour to make things a little easier. Here’s what each colour group may help with:

Red: Passion, Strength, Energy, Vitality, Courage. Relates to the Base Chakra.

Pink: Love, Self-Love, Nurturing, Calming. Relates to the Heart Chakra

Orange: Joy, Creativity, Sexuality. Relates to the Sacral Chakra.

Yellow: Optimism, Happiness, Clarity. Relates to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Green: Healing, Soothing, Growth, New Beginnings. Relates to the Heart Chakra.

Blue: Calming, Communication, Peace. Relates to the Throat Chakra.

Purple: Spirituality, Tranquility. Relates to both the Third- Eye and Crown Chakra.

Brown: Grounding, Earth Connection, Comforting. Relates to the Base Chakra.

Black: Grounding, Protection. Relates to the Base Chakra.