Quartz, Rutilated

Rutilated Quartz

One Rutilated Quartz tumbled stone with gold, silver or coppery coloured rutile. Also known as Sagenite or Angel Hair Quartz. Rutilated Quartz is a Smokey Quartz or Clear Quartz that contains inclusions of the mineral, Rutile. Rutilated Quartz is a spiritual stone of manifestation, expanded consciousness & psychic development. It fills our aura with it’s light & helps us receive higher knowledge & inspiration from spirit. Rutilated Quartz is said to assist with focus, clear thinking & determining the root of a problem as well as helping with phantom pain, wounds & hair loss.

Crystals have been coveted by man for thousands of years for both their beauty & the mystical healing abilities attributed to them. The crystal healing information we share is intended only as a support to your spiritual journey. Please always seek the assistance of an appropriate medical professional for all medical issues. Crystals are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

Quartz, Smokey

Smokey Quartz

One Smokey Quartz tumbled stone. Occurs in shades of pale brown to very dark brown. Smokey Quartz is a stone of grounding & protection from negativity that cleanses our energy field. It helps us to connect to the Earth, allowing us to feel more present in our lives. It can also ground information received from spirit into the physical world, where it can be acted upon. Smokey Quartz allows us to physically connect with high frequency energy, expanding our awareness. Smokey Quartz has been said to help with bad moods, emotional blocks, organisation, the effects of exposure to radiation, the effects of EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) & issues of the feet & hands.

Crystals have been coveted by man for thousands of years for both their beauty & the mystical healing abilities attributed to them. The crystal healing information we share is intended only as a support to your spiritual journey. Please always seek the assistance of an appropriate medical professional for all medical issues. Crystals are not a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.



Crystal Singing Bowls – Frosted, Sizes 9″- 11″

Crystal Singing Bowls - Frosted

Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. Each bowl has one musical note & comes complete with a playing stick & rubber ring to sit on.

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are a wonderful tool for sound healing. The quartz creates a unique sound and resonance when played, allowing energy clearing and healing. The beautiful sounds can be played in meditation, healing rooms or in the home for your own relaxation & cleansing. The sound vibration lifts, cleanses & clears energy. Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are beautiful played alone but are also designed to create a truly immersive experience when multiple bowls are played together.

Directions: Sit your singing bowl on top of its rubber ring, or if desired & the bowl is small enough, in your hand. Gently rub your stick around the outer edge of the top of your singing bowl (around the top inch or so but not on the very edge). If your stick is wooden with a rubber end, use only the rubber against the bowl. Rotate gently but with consistent pressure in a slow stirring motion.  Continue ‘stirring’ & allow the bowl to build a comfortable level of sound. Stop using the stick & enjoy the sound until it begins to quieten again, resume playing & repeat.

Available in 6″, 8″, 9″, 10″, 11″, 12″, 14″, 16″ & 18″ Diameter.



Crystal Singing Bowls – Frosted, Sizes 6″- 8″

Crystal Singing Bowls - Frosted

Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. Each bowl has one musical note & comes complete with a playing stick & rubber ring to sit on.

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are a wonderful tool for sound healing. The quartz creates a unique sound and resonance when played, allowing energy clearing and healing. The beautiful sounds can be played in meditation, healing rooms or in the home for your own relaxation & cleansing. The sound vibration lifts, cleanses & clears energy. Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are beautiful played alone but are also designed to create a truly immersive experience when multiple bowls are played together.

Directions: Sit your singing bowl on top of its rubber ring, or if desired & the bowl is small enough, in your hand. Gently rub your stick around the outer edge of the top of your singing bowl (around the top inch or so but not on the very edge). If your stick is wooden with a rubber end, use only the rubber against the bowl. Rotate gently but with consistent pressure in a slow stirring motion.  Continue ‘stirring’ & allow the bowl to build a comfortable level of sound. Stop using the stick & enjoy the sound until it begins to quieten again, resume playing & repeat.

Available in 6″, 8″, 9″, 10″, 11″, 12″, 14″, 16″ & 18″ Diameter.



Crystal Singing Bowls – Frosted, Sizes 12″ – 18″

Crystal Singing Bowls - Frosted

Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. Each bowl has one musical note & comes complete with a playing stick & rubber ring to sit on.

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are a wonderful tool for sound healing. The quartz creates a unique sound and resonance when played, allowing energy clearing and healing. The beautiful sounds can be played in meditation, healing rooms or in the home for your own relaxation & cleansing. The sound vibration lifts, cleanses & clears energy. Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are beautiful played alone but are also designed to create a truly immersive experience when multiple bowls are played together.

Directions: Sit your singing bowl on top of its rubber ring, or if desired & the bowl is small enough, in your hand. Gently rub your stick around the outer edge of the top of your singing bowl (around the top inch or so but not on the very edge). If your stick is wooden with a rubber end, use only the rubber against the bowl. Rotate gently but with consistent pressure in a slow stirring motion.  Continue ‘stirring’ & allow the bowl to build a comfortable level of sound. Stop using the stick & enjoy the sound until it begins to quieten again, resume playing & repeat.

Available in 6″, 8″, 9″, 10″, 11″, 12″, 14″, 16″ & 18″ Diameter.