Emotional Support Mist: Lakshmi Nidra, Sleep, Deep Meditation, Deep Relaxation, 100ml


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Emotional Support Mist | Nidra | Sleep, Deep Meditation, Deep Relaxation | 100ml Spray Bottle

Lakshmi Nidrā – I am for assistance with Sleep, deep relaxation and meditation.

Does stress keep you awake at night? Trouble sleeping? Overthinking? Replaying the days events over and over?

Settle into bed and allow Lakshmi Nidrā to quiet your mind, settle your senses, ease stress, anxiety, repetitive thoughts and nervous tension and prepare you for a deep, restful sleep.

Directions: Shake well then mist into the air to clear indoor spaces and around the body to clear the aura and surrounding energy field.

Containing organic, vegan friendly, healing vibrational medicines of flower essences, crystal and gem essences, reiki energy, essential oils of Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile and Vetiver and so much more for a nourishing and emotionally supportive experience. Vegan, Organic and Cruelty Free. 100ml Amber Glass Bottle.

Lakshmi Emotional Support Mists came into creation after being channelled while in a meditative state, from the names, many of which are each in Sanskrit to the vibrational medicines of flower essences, liquid crystal and gem essences and essential oils they are each crafted in 100ml amber glass with love, care & intention.